What is Courage to Thrive?

Hello! I’m Kamin and I’m on a mission to help more women thrive. With a passion for empowering women entrepreneurs, I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive environment where their skills, ideas, and aspirations can flourish, this video is just the start of how I do that.

My life’s purpose has been to contribute to the lives of others and help them have a greater impact on the world, through their gifts and abilities through their zones of genius.

I’m on a mission. This really comes my mission oriented Navy background as a Navy helicopter pilot.

I have been working with coaches, business owners and executives helping them to expand into who they are, how to monetize their gifts and abilities. It’s time to help the underserved communities to learn the same tools and techniques that they just don’t know.

Many of us are where we are today based on decisions that were made centuries ago. It’s an opportunity now for us to come present to the new mindsets, new education and behaviors that are possible to transform poverty into wealth.

And it’s possible.

The underserved communities that I’m talking about are African American and other POC communities. And they’re many, including Native American, Hispanic American. I’m going to add in another group… women veterans specifically, and it’s really all veterans. But I know women veterans really suffer when they come out of the military.

They’ve accomplished so much and then they don’t know what they don’t know. They don’t know how to talk about themselves or their skills and abilities and what they’ve done. And so they don’t get to experience the prosperity that’s available to them in many cases.

If you’d like to be a part of this mission, fill in the form located below letting me know know you are in and ready to go! We hope you enjoy our project and join us on this endeavor!

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