Executive & Leader Transformation Coaching

"My executive and leadership development clients are extraordinary, high-functioning, individuals who are ready for something to change in their lives."

They come to me feeling stuck, over their heads, lack confidence, and even paralyzed in their career and/or life. And, some are referred to me by their bosses who see their potential and want to close the gap on their performance so they can have a “seat at the table.”

There are three primary traps that executives can experience:

  • Leadership mindset – They haven’t raised their level of critical thinking to the next level (ie. functional focus instead of organizational impact)
  • Emotional response – They get triggered in difficult conversations and lose their poise (ie. either too reactive or shutting down)
  • Limiting behaviors – They have old habits of playing “small” rather than rising to a higher level needed at the next level of leadership (i.e., lack detail, not hitting sales targets, missing set goals, not taking command in a meeting, too perfection oriented, not supporting good opinions with data or analysis to name a few)

Again, these professionals have the talent, skill and desire but they’re not performing fully at the next level of leadership…and they want to!

And, my clients know they could be doing more, earning more, and more importantly, being of greater service to their organization but something seems in the way and holding them back. They are ready to become Breakthrough Leaders. I am able to see patterns in their lives and help them identify what’s standing in the way and create the new habits they need to achieve and sustain their success. My clients say it’s expansive, awakening and freeing! It’s so wonderful to see my clients thrive!

Clients begin to uplevel their leadership skills and attune to their inner genius that improves their performance and allows for promotability. New opportunities begin to “miraculously” appear. We work together to move through fears of moving forward, of being seen, and of both failure and success.

Coaching engagements are for 6 or 12 months I look forward to meeting with you!

Kamin Bell Samuel, PhD, RTT

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